Wreath Sponsorships Opportunities



********sponsorship for Grave Specific wreaths should be completed prior to November 25 to ensure fulfillment.********

Donations can be mailed to:
PO Box 23881
Chattanooga, TN 37421



This donation ensures a wreath is placed in a general location at Chattanooga National Cemetery by a Volunteer on Wreath Day

One of Wreaths Across America’s Group Sponsorship Option allows groups to allocate ALL funds to the receipt of wreaths. This means that for every 2 wreaths purchased, a 3rd wreath will be given to the Cemetery, making your donation go further in honoring our heroes!"

By clicking the link below, you will be redirected to a Wreaths Across America group page supporting Chattanooga National Cemetery with this option.

Select Sponsor Wreaths and the number of wreaths you wish to purchase. “Custom Number of Wreaths” may be selected for a quantity not shown. Be sure to leave sections 2 & 3 unchanged to ensure your wreath(s) go to Chattanooga National Cemetery.


This donation will ensure that a wreath will be placed on a specific Hero's grave site by either you or a volunteer on Wreath Day.

By clicking the link below, you will be asked your contact information, which will be used only if we have issues finding the gravesite you identified, and then redirected to a Wreaths Across America group page supporting Chattanooga National Cemetery for payment options.

You will be asked for specific information about your hero.

if you need any of your hero’s information.

Select Sponsor Wreaths and then select “ 1 Wreath ” to start your Grave Specific Purchase. You will select “Grave Specific” and enter your hero’s information in section 4. Be sure to leave sections 2 & 3 unchanged to ensure your wreath(s) go to Chattanooga National Cemetery. You will be given the option to add more wreaths after selecting “Add to Cart”.

If you have issues, please contact us at gravespecific@chattanoogawaa.com or 423-521-5468